Franklin Consulting Group

A Revenue Revolution


In the fiercely competitive landscape of management consulting, Franklin Consulting Group stood out with their unique focus on SR&ED government grants. Yet, their potential for growth was hindered by operational inefficiencies and an inability to scale up client servicing. The challenge was to transform their operations in a way that would amplify growth without compromising on their core service quality.

At TASSK, we rose to this challenge, driving a five-fold revenue increase while massively expanding their client base. This case study offers an inside look at our innovative, data-driven solutions that enabled Franklin Consulting Group to reach new heights. We crafted a tailored CRM system, initiated a winning sales strategy, and instilled a culture of data-informed decision making, all while maintaining a remote-first operational model during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Discover how we revolutionized Franklin Consulting Group’s operations, turning challenges into opportunities, and facilitating their evolution into a more profitable, scalable, and efficient business model. This case study is a testament to the power of operational efficiency and strategic growth – a success story that could be yours. Stay tuned to explore more about the strategic solutions and impressive results.


Franklin Consulting Group is a government incentives management consulting company specializing in SR&ED grants. Despite a strong client base, the three-person team was struggling to expand due to operational inefficiencies and the lack of a revenue growth strategy.

Project Overview

TASSK’s primary goal was to enable Franklin Consulting Group to scale their operations and increase company revenues significantly. The team was overworked and overwhelmed with tasks and didn’t knowhow to divide roles and responsibilities effectively.

Additionally, their current tracking system, an Excel spreadsheet, was not sufficient to handle the complexity of their growing client base.

The Challenge

The company was facing a growth bottleneck. The main challenge was increasing the number of clients and revenue by at least 50% YOY. This goal was even more complex due to their contingency revenue model, resulting in a payment delay of 6-8 months. These issues limited their ability to take on new clients and left potential revenue unclaimed.

The Approach

Our approach started with a thorough analysis of Franklin’s revenue model and end-to-end business processes. Collaboration with the client was paramount during this phase, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of their operations. The project was divided into two parts: Implementing a CRM and data gathering phase followed by sales process improvement for client acquisition.

The Solution

We proposed a multi-faceted solution, first focusing on tech stack and CRM implementation to track client interactions and streamline processes. This tool provided insightful metrics that pinpointed inefficiencies and helped shape a more productive workflow. With this new structure, the team was able to handle between 30-50 clients each. Consequently, we developed a sales strategy that included tools for lead generation, automated bookings, cold email marketing, electronic signatures, and an updated website.

The Results

The transformation brought about by our solutions was exceptional. Despite the pandemic, we achieved a five-fold increase in revenue for Franklin and a significant surge in the number of clients signed (6xincrease). Staffing levels also saw a marked increase, all while maintaining an impressive net profit margin, demonstrating the successful scalability of operations and the effectiveness of the implemented strategies and tools under our guidance.

Importantly, the new model did not just help the company to scale, our strategies and operations adapted to a remote-first model in response to the COVID-19 pandemic also revolutionized their way of conducting business, allowing for more profitable and efficient operations. This flexibility not only ensured business continuity but also contributed to improving the net margin, making operations more cost-effective.

Final Thoughts

Our engagement with Franklin Consulting Group has been a resounding success, facilitating their transition to a more profitable and efficient business model. The project, implemented entirely remotely due to the pandemic, has revolutionized their operations, and has positioned them for continued growth. We remain partners, constantly seeking to refine their data collection practices and identify new growth opportunities.

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